Ningbo area e π 008 is being discounted, the reserve price 188,600! Sufficient car
[Autohome Ningbo Discount Promotion Channel] Recently, the Ningbo market ushered in the latest preferential policies, the maximum discount reached 28,000 yuan, and the minimum starting price was reduced to 188,600 yuan. If you are interested in this model, you may wish to seize this opportunity and click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to strive for higher discounts.
The front face of the eπ 008 is designed to be unique and dynamic, with streamlined lines and sharp headlights, highlighting its unique personality and sense of technology. The air intake grille adopts a closed design, which not only enhances the aerodynamic performance, but also shows its environmental protection concept as a new energy model. In terms of overall style, the eπ 008 has attracted many attention with its stylish and exquisite appearance, whether it is city shuttle or long-distance travel, it can show extraordinary style.
eπ008车身尺寸为5002*1972*1732mm,轴距为3025mm,宽大的车身和宽敞的内部空间为乘客提供了舒适的驾乘体验。前轮距和后轮距均为1650mm,确保了车辆的稳定性和操控性。车侧线条流畅动感,搭配265/45 R21规格的轮胎和独特的轮圈设计,进一步提升了车辆的运动感和视觉效果。
汽车之家车主 对eπ008的车身整体设计赞不绝口,他表示:“车身整体设计大气,非常耐看,看上去像30多万的车~”这种高品质的外观设计无疑为eπ008增色不少,使其在同级别车型中脱颖而出。